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Del Negro Integrative Health, Functional Medicine Red Bank

Patients experiencing hypothyroidism symptoms (like weight gain and fatigue) or hyperthyroidism symptoms (like unexplained weight loss or anxiety) may suspect their thyroid is to blame. When they go to a conventional doctor, they may feel frustrated when their blood work is  “normal.” But most conventional doctors are looking at your TSH (thyroid-stimulating hormone) levels. They won’t do in-depth thyroid testing unless you ask for it. And most patients don’t know what to ask for.

Here’s what you need to know about your thyroid, thyroid testing, and what you can do.

What does my thyroid do?

Sitting just below the Adam’s Apple, this butterfly-shaped organ is one of the body’s superpowers. Your thyroid hormones are involved in almost every function our body uses to stay balanced (producing energy from food, hormone production, nervous system tasks, metabolizing food, and temperature regulation).

Essentially, the thyroid is your body’s “thermostat.”

Thyroid Hormones

Thyroid hormone communication starts in the brain, not in the thyroid gland. When the hypothalamus in the brain notes a low level of thyroid hormone, it communicates with the thyroid to release more. This happens in a few steps:


The brain releases TRH (thyroid-releasing hormone).


TRH is picked up by the pituitary gland in the brain.


The pituitary gland releases a hormone called TSH (thyroid stimulating hormone).


TSH signals the thyroid gland to release two hormones—T4 (thyroxine) and T3 (triiodothyronine). 

T4 & T3

Together, T3 and T4 regulate how your body uses energy. The body knows when T3 and T4 levels are low to signal the release of TSH and to turn off TSH production when levels are high.


Although it makes up 90 percent of the thyroid hormone released, T4 isn’t very active in the body.


You could call T3 the muscle in this relationship. While T3 only makes up  10 percent, it is 300 percent more active than T4. If your body needs a little boost at the tissue level, the body will convert T4 to T3. There is a group of enzymes in the body that makes this happen. Genetics plays a part in how well T3 is converted into our bodies. And we can support this reaction with herbs and supplements.

The relationship between T4 and T3 is a beautifully balanced machine. Until it’s not.

Testing your thyroid health.

When your thyroid gland is out of balance by either producing an inadequate thyroid hormone production (hypothyroidism) or an overabundance (hyperthyroidism), measuring your TSH is a good foundation for assessing thyroid function. But TSH isn’t enough to give you the whole picture of your thyroid health.

Functional medicine goes beyond TSH and looks at thyroid markers

to help balance the thyroid hormones and determine the root cause. Del Negro Integrative Health goes beyond “normal” by looking at additional thyroid markers including:

Anti -TPO

This test notes antibodies against the thyroid peroxidase (TPO) enzyme. This enzyme helps keep things running smoothly in the production of thyroid hormones. If the levels are abnormal, we consider this an autoimmune condition called Hashimoto’s. If anti-thyroglobulin antibodies are present, it may indicate Graves. Both conditions are considered autoimmune. This means your immune system attacks normal thyroid tissue.

Reverse T3

Measures the inactive form of T3 in your blood.

Free T4

Measures the amount of T4 not connected to a protein in your blood.

Bound T3

Measures only the amount of T3 attached to a protein in your blood.

Total T3

Measures T3 that’s bound and unbound to proteins in your blood.

How can Del Negro Integrative Health help?

We know health and wellness isn’t a one-size-fits-all plan. Depending on your thyroid markers, we will rebalance your gut bugs, eliminate food triggers, increase nutrients as cofactors, or use a combination of prescription thyroid replacement and lifestyle changes.

Are you curious to know if something is being missed by your conventional lab tests? Go beyond your symptoms with advanced testing at Del Negro Integrative Health. Schedule your free, no-strings-attached discovery call today.